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TseboKgadi Services

Choose from TseboKgadi’s expert solutions portfolio, tailored for individual clients, projects and geographies.

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Battling to navigate complex environmental legislation and frameworks?

Let TseboKgadi guide you every step of the way.

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Rehab projects

We can assist with:

  • Mine residue dump mining
  • Closure planning
  • Waste management
  • Liability management
  • Mine water management


Small-to-medium scale surface mining projects

TseboKgadi will provide its own fleet and equipment.

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Surface mining

These projects are ideally up to 300 000 BCMs per month and include:

  • Top soil removal
  • Drill & blast
  • Load & haul operations

Haul roads maintenance

Make sure that the haul roads on your mining operation promote safety, improve cycle times, increase production and reduce truck maintenance and corresponding fuel costs.

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Haul roads maintenance

We focus on:

  • Optimised design and grade selection, using 3D modelling
  • Road maintenance
  • Operator education

Stockpiles maintenance

Let us worry about accurate level measurement and compliant stockpile management. This includes drone-based surveys and accurate reconciliation management against short-term mine plans.

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Stockpiles maintenance

We capitalise on the following:

  • Automated tracking and monitoring of yellow equipment
  • Thorough understanding of short-term mine planning
  • Efficient and effective operations for superior contract management results

Screening and crushing projects

We provide the latest in screening and crushing technology, boosting efficiency and profitability. Processes aid the extraction of valuable minerals, reduce downtime, lessen wear and tear and optimise energy consumption.

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Screening and crushing projects

TseboKgadi utilises:

  • In and out of pit crushing solutions, including mobile crushers
  • Grade control methodologies to inform crushing and screening

In-pit dewatering

Is groundwater compromising the efficiency and safety of your mining project? Our team utilises a variety of industry-leading dewatering techniques, ensuring for less downtime, lower blasting costs, enhanced slope stability and reduced haulage expenditure.

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In-pit dewatering

We provide:

  • Pump tests
  • Hydrogeological numerical modelling
  • Robust and flexible dewatering strategies and designs